Many thanks for your help Mark, myself and Ross will be back to Warden Law on the next race meeting on March 1st, we bought the alfano on EBAY,Did not work so bought a new magnet and now stands us at + £200.00 and it still does not work, (Thanks EBAY) although the screen still has a lot of non moving or changing data, it would be nice to have the facts rather than me saying "that looked quick through there Ross" i appreciate any help you give me with this, i think it may be a cable issue but i don't know, look forward to seeing you at WL,
Many thanks again for the help, i have to say to all at who race at WL, the help we have recieved in every aspect of ProKarts and getting issues sorted has been outstanding, we look forward to our race meetings and our ongoing learning experiences.
Best Regards, Andy Baxter (ross's dad)