..... so.... why not make it EASIER for us to HELP you?
* How OLD are you? * How HEAVY are you? * How much EXPERIENCE do you have? * What SORT of karting do you want to do? * Are you hoping to race LATER? * Do you have a kart on which to PUT the motor/motors? * Are you RICH and want something easy to maintain but have PLENTY of money to spend on it?
To show you how WIDE your question is without those 'clues', I could suggest two motors which perfectly fit your question:-
1) the Honda GX160 which can cost as little as £150 2) the MAGNIFICANT Aixro somewhere around £3,000. It's 'cheap' because it seems to have NO servicing costs at ALL in almost 3 years and, when you sell it, you get MOST of your money back!
If you want help from US you have to do SOME of thew work so we can help YOU! Tell us about YOURSELF.