£98.00 for a stub axle that has the same manufacturing process as a £35.00 one.
It still only consists of an axle, boss and drop arm welded together so why the big difference?
It could be that we can see a resurgence in Britains manufacturing industry before it completely disappears.
Surely this must be a great opportunity for companies to make after market Tony kart parts for a sensible cost.
With many clubs trying to ease the cost of racing by giving promotions and special offers, it rather negates their effors when the manufacturers sre striping people up with excessive parts costs.
Perhaps this is a good opportunity for British companies like Wright and Gillard to get their fingers out and produce something a bit blingy, because that's what people seem to like, and take a bigger share of the market.
Now that the Tony kart is the same, no matter what the badge on the kart, ie Kosmic Alonso, etc, and the new Tony chassis doesn't have the extra brackets for the little useful bits we like to add, everything is Tony.
It's a bit like Henry Ford, any one you like but it's still a Tony Kart.
Start fitting parts that aren't Tony Kart to your steed and save some money.
We've got a new clutch and (hopefully) a CNC engineered barrel that will even out the Max performance so perhaps we can put pressure on Tony to revise it's trading policy by not fitting their parts or not buying their karts.
Anyone tried to get a spare chassis without waiting till global warming has ended?