Hey.... those are GREAT points and have made me realise why we need rain-sensing wipers on our karts! Yes I KNOW that would mean adding a windscreen but SURELY, I don't need to point out ALL the 'comfort' benefits of THOSE items in EXACTLY the way you have pointed out the 'comfort' benefits of an electric start!
I accept..... if you are a WIMP, then starters are GREAT...... On the other hand, for those of us who AREN'T..........
If an F1 car can JUST about manage without a starter, then I suspect that we karters MIGHT do so!
The two MAIN reasaons for NOT having them are about RACING which is what I THOUGHT we did!
1) One less item to go wrong........ actually...... it's FOUR items, the starter, the battery, the wiring loom AND the clutch.....
2) It adds WEIGHT that is NOT NEEDED ....... and a battery and starter AND clutch is a WASTE OF WEIGHT!
In case anyone is confused ...... I am all FOR you lot having a starter if you WANT one...... in exactly the same way I would support old ladies being allowed to use electric wheel chairs... If you have a disability..... then electric motors are just PERFECT for the job....
On a COMPLETELY separate subject that has NO link to the one we are discussing..... can it be TRUE that this generation are FATTER, LESS FIT, MORE FEEBLE , more W*I*M*P*I*S*H and LESS DETERMINED than MY generation? Surely, there is NO evidence for that calumny........?