How often do you see a F1 driver bump start his own F1 car? Ahh yes - the mechanics start the car for him - a luxury that not many karters can afford.
The racing benefit to electric starters is certainly there: -energy is saved for racing not pushing -quicker recovery if you get punted -easier to get comfortable in the seat if you have to wear padding and rib protectors. -no chance of injury lifting / tripping / getting run over -no chance of knocking off your airbox when jumping in or seeing your kart accelerate off without you until it hits something solid.
Sure in a class like TKM you have a choice to which there are pros and cons either way. Incidentally I used to bump start my tkm, however now I race a class where the starter is mandatory (easykart) and I find it makes running a kart on my own that much easier and more enjoyable.
Either way isn't it time to end the crusade and let people make up their own mind? Sure karting is like a religion to some of us, but lets all enjoy it together rather than trying to press our own particular beliefs on the rest :)
Back to the OP ... As mentioned above there are many different types of electric start karts ... prokart, rotax, easykart, formula blue etc etc. It's probably best to narrow down what kind of kart you want first .. but you are looking at anything from £500 - £1000 minimum second hand depending on what type you go for. The market place on this website is the best place for second hand kit.