It may just be a typo but I doubt it as you do it twice. The Kart would be a Deavinson Sprint (with the 'N' in the middle!). Without that, you won't find much when searching. Then try using Google.
Deavinson was a maufacturer of karts from the 1960s to (at leaat) this Century. It started as Dad (Reg) and two sons with all the rest of the fa,il;y being involved at various staages. It ended as one son, (Paul) running the company and him finally getting bored.....
The company who took ov er from them is MotorSportWorld at Rye House.
The chassis is not worth very much at all...... many people would say it's simply junk......, i.e., no marhket for it as they stopped being 'fashionable' around the 1980s to 1990s. They had been VERY fashionable and were well placed in various World Championships dutring their hay-day.
As an item on which to have fun.... so long as you have an engine, it'll be hard to get more grins-per-min (minute) for £50!