My mobile number.
Next time your going to Rye,let me know and I'll pop round and show you how I do it.
1. Get the old and new tyres as warm as possible as they will be the most flexible.
2. Don't use fairy liquid, it contains salt and can corrode the rim sealing surface and lead to slow weeps.
3. Remember that the tyre will go on or off most easily if the tyre bead is at the most acute angle to the rim. Imagine two hoops at right angles to each other. one will push through the other easily if it is at right angles but the more you reduce the angle, the more difficult it becomes and the more likely it is to slip.
4. Use tyre paste, it's cheap and last for ages and actually slips better as its film strength is greater.
I know how you feel though, I nearly died when I did my first tyre.
I've made a gadget that makes my life really easy to take them on and off, email me (alanrr@tiscali.co.uk)your email address and I'll send you a picture of it.
It makes putting them on and off quite easy and it does the whole process, not just part of it.