As I KEEP asking saying...... you lot do NOPT agree on what is 'common sense'
Simply state HOW MANY wheel YOU would allow 'off the track'. That's ALL you have to do is to SHOW people like me and Qot and DanXp1 that uyou DO agree........ you do NOT!
Would YOU allow
1) 1 Wheel off 2) 2 Wheel off 3) 3 Wheel off 4) 4 Wheel off
Be aware, I am asking you this question so that I can RIDICULE your answer! How am I going to do that? Simply becasue what YOU have called common sense will NOT be what OTHER people call common sense!
Becuase it is NOT C*O*M*M*O*N!
If it was, can I be allowed to run 1mm more crank throw' becasue 'common sense' will tell EVERYONE that I won't save as MUCH lap time doing THAT as you will by cutting the corners!