Ahhh Ian, such a shame you were blessed with so much intelligience but not an OUNCE of COMMON SENSE. Of course I do not think that people should be able to overtake on the GRASS. It is HUGELY unlikely that you will GAIN time by using grass which is significantly less grippy than TARMAC. It takes skill to use kerbs, and without using them we would not have seen Mika Hakinen drop it spectacularly at Imola a couple of years ago, and I suspect we would have seen less Champions in the Wall of champions at Montreal!!
The kerbs DON'T do damage to your kart if you use them CORRECTLY and taking away drivers using them is also RUINING some of their drving pleasure. As the rules currently stand, using kerbs is indeed just as ILLEGAL as using the grass, this is why I was suggesting that the rules should be changed!! There is nothing wrong with using kerbs aslong as you do not ABUSE them (But as I have stated, using them TOO much will just SLOW YOU DOWN)
If using them was banned it would just be another nail in the nanny state coffin that is being forced upon us against our will!
My suspicion is that you were never as quick as the top boys when you raced and you blamed it on them 'cheating' and using kerbs, and now are using this as some vendetta to get the use of them banned! As Steve C points out, there are BIGGER problems too worry about.... if it ain't broke do not fix it!!