Mat.... what has the 'QUICKER' got to do with it?
If that WAS what mattered, then it'd would be EVEN quicker to go 10 feet past the start-line at Kim, Turn HARD RIGHT across the concrete to the downhill to the bussstop, turn HARD RIGHT again and rejoin the start straight just behind the starter! Now that WOULD give you a quick lap!
You are suggesting that BECAUSE it's quicker to cross white lines at corners that it's a 'Good Thing'. So..... if you accept that crossing the white line IS against the rules but is GOOD beacsue it's quicker, then there is NO POSSOBLE argument AGAINST taking my SUPER shortcut at Kim!
You simply have eliminated the argument for NOT taking the super-short-cut by suggesting that JUST becasue it's quicker makes it RIGHT!
Let's be precise here, even you seem to be confused about what you are saying! You are REALLY saying that THREE wheels off the track is ok becasue you ONLY seem to object when it's FOUR wheels! By the way..... don't go to Rye because there are places where 4 wheels off is a MINIMUM. And that, TOO, is 'quicker'.... so that's alright then, isn't it!