Bubblewrap isn't my idea of adrenalin.
Your statement Ian, is exactly what is wrong with most things in this pathetic situation that we call 'modern life'.
Do any F1 teams put in claims for damage or loss when they use kerbs and get it wrong?
Why not?
Because if nobody enforces the rule, surely they would have a valid claim against the organisers.
Just because I would let you dive off a cliff, it shouldn't allow you to sue me.
You know it isn't sensible and it shouldn't be up to me to protect you from your own stupidity. You'd be dead anyway.
It's so nice to find there are still people intent on wrecking and depleting a decent sport.
Men with red flags in front of every kart?
Not too far away now, is it?
Mind you, if you were an animal, then I would do everything I could to stop you harming yourself.
'Scuse me while I stroke a pussy.