Optimisms is good...... so is REALISM!
The laws on the ability of a even a SINGLE person being able to prevent the use of XYZ on noise grounds are clearly a JOKE! If you did not ALREADY know that then you have been living in a BUBBLE somewhere!
As a councillor, I have been PERSONALLY THREATENED, in WRITING, with PRISON if I/we allow our village hall to be a noise nuisance. The village hall has been there since 1462! The person who complained about the noise had moved into our village ONE WEEK before the threats started! It has cost us so far, around £30,000 to make the building 'sound proof' (ha ha!) and we needed to fit a device which disconnects ALL the power if the noise exceeds 'abc' decibels for more than 3 seconds. This has prevented us from using the hall for dances or live music, etc. .... as you can imagine!
Get REAL!!!!
Do NOT whine about the problem..... DEAL WITH IT! Write to your MP, find the appropriate petitions SIGN them and get ACTIVE about it:
....... and when YOUR club has noise problem and you find that you never DID bother to write and complain...... you'll know EXACTLY why we all still have this problem!
My guess is that not 10% of you will BOTHER to write to your MP about it...... and that is EXACTLY why Dunkewell has this problem and other tracks will have problems in the future!!
Get off your BACKSIDES and DO something! (Apologies to those who HAVE!)