Hold ON here guys!
The Han device does a specific job. Loom at the driver's compartment of an F1 car. The ONLY direction in which the wearer's head CAN travel is FORWARD as it is surrounded on all the other sides. The HAN device gives some support in that LAST direction.
However, go and look at your kid IN a KART! His head can move in FOUR directions, three of which, the Han does NOTHING (little) about!
Finally, it's hard to end up 'on your head' in an F1 car, the roll cage stops that! On a kart, it's simpler and you CAN. If the Han or any other neck brace actually was SHOWN to increase your safety in a kart, I suspect they would be FORCED onto us by the powers that be. As far as I know, they are NOT as yet! That should tell you something about the 'certainty' that these things help karters! The neck brace has been round for YEARS, the Han device arrived MUCH later. It may be that proof WILL come for the Han but it hasn't, so far, for the neck brace.
Until then, use your own decisions skils to decide if they help or hinder and if they do ANYthing to make you safer! The jury is still OUT on that one, as far as I know!