Thanks all. Well i'll be taking it at bayford meadows on october 14th - I don't use the curbs that much, only really clipping them on corner exits. At the moment my kart's got an old TKM BT95 on it with Maxxis HG1's. And neither of them fit into any class lol. My fastest at the moment is a 52.02, and it's said these engines lap about the same as Sn Rotax so im a bit off! (The fact im on these enduro tyres and jica's use those really sticky YGB's might have something to do with it?)
The last time i was out, the kart was sliding a lot, and it probably looked as if i was driving a bit Recklessly - there's some videos on youtube - - can any of you tell me what you think and where you think i could improve please? Thanks again! Thomas.......